Monday, April 1, 2013

Signs of Spring! I love Easter Sunday. I am so grateful for the atonement, for a Savior who gave his life for me and his great sacrifice.   I am so grateful to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We are so blessed.  I had time on Sunday to reflect on this last month and all the changes that have taken place in our lives. My mind thought about our last Sunday in Riverside, during the Sacrament Ryan and I  had a sweet moment of gratitude for the nine plus years of all the memories we had made.  We wept and thought about the time spent in California, making this our home.  When we moved in Ira was one, Norielle was three, Mollie was five and Redken was almost eight.  Looking up at the sacrament table and seeing our son bless the sacrament we realized how many years have passed. We now have memories to make in Georgia and we are grateful for the journey.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe you were there for so long! I am sure that it was hard to say goodbye. I am so happy you are doing a blog now though and we can be updated on these next 9 years!
